3rd post

In my adolescence I decided that I wanted to work with people not only because I like to talk a lot but also I wanted to help them. So, I started to look for a future job but it was difficult than I thought, I had to take a year off to figure it out and at that moment I was dealing with depression because I lost someone close to me and I had a few problems. I decided to go to the psychologist and with therapy I found what I was looking for, I chose my future: I wanted to study psychology.

I took my year off as an experience and I learnt so much, even without studying, so last year I entered the University to start my degree. Despite the current context, I feel glad for my decision and I love studying what I chose. Sometimes I feel tired or sad because I have so much to read or I rather be with my friends and not seeing them trough the web, but I am waiting for face-to-face classes.

For the future I would like to do so many things, I want to be a part of investigations and work with groups of children, also do individual therapy and whatever I discover with the time. I like psychology because there are many areas where you can work, I don’t want to do the same thing in my life. So, I feel optimistic for the future and I really like my career.


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