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 A country I would like to visit

I would like to visit as much countries as possible, but if I have to choose one, I will say that's Japan. I think that is a country that has many attractions, like palaces, beautiful lakes, thematic parks and ancestral culture. My little brothers and I are obsessed with the new Super Nintendo World park, we hope that someday we can go. Also, there are majestic places that I watched in Anime, like the Lake Suwa, or the Ghibli museum that exhibits the work of the Ghibli's studio.

I would like to visit this island as a tourist, I don't know if I can see myself living or working there, because the cultural difference is so big. Maybe as a dream I would spend a year travelling into japan and their attractions, the small islands and small towns or the big cities. But that´s one dream of many, I'm just writing this in my bed and instead of travel I will continue watch Japan in Animes.


  1. Sounds like a beatiful and interesting contry to visit, specially the Ghibli Museum!!! Hope you can go there very sooon <3

  2. The landscapes in Japan are wonderful, and visiting the studio Ghibli should be a plan for anyone who likes anime, after all Japan is a country full of art :)

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. I hope you can visit that beautiful country one day!<3


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