
4th post

 Atenea and Roma Atenea and Roma are my two beautiful dogs, I love them and they are the cutest. Atenea is five years and a half, and she was two months when my family and I adopted her. She has beautiful black and thick hair, when I hug her is like I am next to a sheep. She is so bigger than five years ago, but she is still a lovely dog who likes my attention and petting. When Atenea was three years old, Roma came to the home and to Atenea's life. Roma is a little dog, long as a Dachshund whit tiny legs, but she isn´t a dog breed. Her hair is black, white and yellow. Her eyes are so cute and she loves to kiss me with her little tongue. She was adopted at eight months by an animalistic collective, they said that she was on the streets and her tail had been cut off, she was afraid of people and shaking. I saw her story on Instagram and communicated for adopting her. At first, she was a little afraid, but at the past of the time she loves us and her house, by now she is a strong beau

3rd post

In my adolescence I decided that I wanted to work with people not only because I like to talk a lot but also I wanted to help them. So, I started to look for a future job but it was difficult than I thought, I had to take a year off to figure it out and at that moment I was dealing with depression because I lost someone close to me and I had a few problems. I decided to go to the psychologist and with therapy I found what I was looking for, I chose my future: I wanted to study psychology. I took my year off as an experience and I learnt so much, even without studying, so last year I entered the University to start my degree. Despite the current context, I feel glad for my decision and I love studying what I chose. Sometimes I feel tired or sad because I have so much to read or I rather be with my friends and not seeing them trough the web, but I am waiting for face-to-face classes. For the future I would like to do so many things, I want to be a part of investigations and work with gr

2nd post

The best concert ever was the 6 th of September, in 2019. It was in the Movistar Arena and I went so see Bad Bunny, his real name is Benito Martinez. He is twenty-seven years old, he is from Puerto Rico and his style went beyond reggaeton, currently he has crossed the borders of Latin America and his music is heard all over the world. I remember that night was amazing, I went whit a friend and her cousin. We had a great time, the atmosphere was mind-blowing, really all the people were enjoying the music and singing his songs. He was so connected with the people, and so humble. The concert also had a great show with the lights and that made an atmosphere to enjoy even more. I remember I was dancing and singing and feeling all good. I like all kinds of music, and I think reggaeton is a space to enjoy and dance, especially now that is expanding and taking elements from other genres. So my blog is a safe place for reggaeton enjoyers!!

1st post

 A country I would like to visit I would like to visit as much countries as possible, but if I have to choose one, I will say that's Japan. I think that is a country that has many attractions, like palaces, beautiful lakes, thematic parks and ancestral culture. My little brothers and I are obsessed with the new Super Nintendo World park, we hope that someday we can go. Also, there are majestic places that I watched in Anime, like the Lake Suwa, or the Ghibli museum that exhibits the work of the Ghibli's studio. I would like to visit this island as a tourist, I don't know if I can see myself living or working there, because the cultural difference is so big. Maybe as a dream I would spend a year travelling into japan and their attractions, the small islands and small towns or the big cities. But that´s one dream of many, I'm just writing this in my bed and instead of travel I will continue watch Japan in Animes.